Gifts from the heart.
Indulge in your gift-giving at Takaka's fine homewares shop, located in Golden Bay, New Zealand.
Designer Chic
Gift ware, art, homewares and clothing in our centrally-located shop.
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Open Monday - Friday 10am to 5pm and Saturday 10am to 2pm

boutique Gifts

Who we are

Pohutukawa Gallery is a little shop in the township of Takaka in Golden Bay, New Zealand. Little shops in small towns need to provide very good service to their regular customers and provide a wide range of products.

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A selection of purple gifts including an oatmeal pillow, lavender pot plants, a purple drinking flask and a dark blue ceramic pitcher with purple flowers coming out the top. A cane basket is in the background.
NZ designers

Treasures for all

We always look for products that are made in New Zealand as we want to support these businesses. Many New Zealand designers get their products made overseas, so we support them too.

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A selection of gifts for men including a NZ Rugby book, flashlights, multitools, fish species tea towel, and four styles of enamel camping cups.
Visit us
44 Commercial Street Takaka, New Zealand, 7110.
Pohutakawa Gallery has free on street parking.
Open Monday - Friday 10am to 5pm and Saturday 10am to 2pm.
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Visit us
44 Commercial Street Takaka, New Zealand 7110
Pohutakawa Gallery has free on street parking. Open Monday - Friday 10am to 5pm and Saturday 10am to 2pm
Contact us